Hawaii Surf Session Report
episode #122

Post Date: January 15, 2007
Locations: North Shore - Banzai Pipeline

Here are some highlights form the final day of the IBA Tour. You'll get to see the quarter and semi-final heats of the mens bodyboarding. There are lots of great waves captivating shots and local celebrities like Mike Stewart the 9 time pipe champ who gets a perfect 10 and says the waves are, "EPIC". Another local steals the show or contest and wins both the IBA Tour Championship and ALSO... the 2007 Pipeline Pro World Championships of bodyboarding.

Here are the results of the 2007 IBA Pipe contest + more results.
Waves 9 to 15ft. Air temp 83 degrees Winds at 10-15mph

Song "AO1" Band: The National Pool

Surf Session Report :

Bodyboarding HUGE Pipe IBA final day

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